Auditor General Denise Hanrahan delivered a performance audit on the Office to the House of Assembly saying audited financial statements had not been completed since March 2017.
A bad report on the Office of the High Sheriff today. Auditor General Denise Hanrahan delivered a performance audit on the Office to the House of Assembly saying audited financial statements had not been completed since March 2017. She says she cannot audit what does not exist, and while no error or fraud was detected in this performance audit, the risk remains as long as there are outstanding financial statements or internal control deficiencies. Hanrahan says it is essential for the Department of Justice and Public Safety to provide effective oversight to the Office of the High Sheriff and ensure it has appropriate financial control processes and the staff to meet its operational requirements to fulfill its mandate in an efficient and effective manner. The audit full report, as well as an audit overview, can be found by visiting: www.ag.gov.nl.ca.