Vice-Chief Christa O’Connell says the band was able to hire a few students over the summer to help with this, a free sports event, as well as, in the office.
The Elmastukwek First Nation band in Benoits Cove has had a busy season with half-day camps that included crafts, food, dancing, drumming and smudging. Vice-Chief Christa O’Connell says the band was able to hire a few students over the summer to help with this, a free sports event, as well as, in the office. The band itself was revitalized in February of 2022 and today, is run by a council of five women. Vice-chief O’Connell says one of the biggest achievements was securing funding from Scotts, Grow For Good, which led to the creation of an edible food forest. She says they planted pear and apple trees, as well raspberries but it will take a couple of years before they see fruit. O’Connell says the next big event is getting ready for Truth and Reconciliation day on September 30th and last year they created signs to be placed throughout the area. There are over 150 band members to date but O’Connell expects the application process to pick up again this fall. She says they’re always looking for volunteers. For more information go to www.elmastukwekfirstnation.ca