Senator Dr. Melanie Leonhard, Minister for Economy and Innovation for the City of Hamburg is here, and Newfoundland and Labrador is one of only two North American locations Dr. Leonhard will visit this year.
A delegation from the City of Hamburg, Germany, arrived in the province yesterday. A group representing hydrogen companies and service providers in the energy industry accompanied Senator Dr. Melanie Leonhard, Minister for Economy and Innovation for the City of Hamburg. Newfoundland and Labrador is one of only two North American locations Dr. Leonhard will visit this year. Industry Minister Andrew Parsons welcomed the group last night at an event at the Rooms in St. John’s. The goals of the delegation are to strengthen ties between the province and the City of Hamburg relating to hydrogen production and the export of hydrogen to Europe via Hamburg’s ports, and to identify common ground for future collaboration in wind energy. This visit builds on previous bilateral cooperation between Germany and Canada and previous collaboration between the Provincial Government and the City of Hamburg. On September 27th Government and the City of Hamburg signed a Declaration of Intent that aims to encourage the establishment of hydrogen supply chains that will result in exports of green hydrogen from the province to Germany. It followed the signing of the Declaration of Intent to establish a Canada-Germany Hydrogen Alliance between the Governments of Canada and Germany, which took place on August 23, 2022 in Stephenville.