A review by David Conway of the Independent Appointments Commission Act deals with legislation governing appointments.
A News Release was issued by the Executive Council dated March 16th, this year announcing the review, and a Public Advisory was issued March 28th. Historically, most appointments to public entities in Newfoundland and Labrador were made without a publicly available application process and without any publicly stated qualifications related to the appointments. In March 2016, the new government of the province issued a news release, with a quote from then Premier Dwight Ball stating, “We are modernizing how appointments are made, and clearing a path for the most qualified people to apply for a position, be considered and selected on their merits. Once in place, Newfoundland and Labrador will be the only province in the country with a legislated merit-based appointment process” Key recommendations in this Report focus on shortening the time periods required to make appointments, attracting more candidates to apply, increasing the diversity of applicants and improving regional representation. Also, they received universal support for the concept of a merit-based independent appointments process for entities.