Councillor Vaughn Granter says there have been two RFP's for development of this land done by the city in the past and all proposals received had zoning issues.
Staff at Corner Brook city hall will host a public information session for input on the rezoning of the north side of Corporal Pinksen Memorial Drive from ‘Mosaic Residential to ‘Innovation District.’ This was the second of three readings of this amendment by council at this week’s public meeting. Councillor Vaughn Granter says there have been two RFP's for development of this land done by the city in the past. He says all proposals received had zoning issues, therefore, this an administrative housekeeping amendment brought forward by administration for the purpose of future land disposition. Pre-zoning the property would allow for increased development options and streamline the development approval process. Granter says public Consultation was completed, and no written responses were received and a hearing has been set for May 23rd at 7p.m. in the Hutchings Room at City Hall for the tentative Public Hearing.