A public rally in Doyles tomorrow dealing with wind turbines and hydrogen production

    Friday, 5 January 2024 07:00

    By Tonya Organ

    Lena Sampson is a co-organizer with Codroy Valley United, a small, recently formed group of 65 people concerned about the project which is called Nujio’qonik. She says they want to see enhanced transparency and public engagement in the environmental assessment process.

    There’s a Family Friendly public rally taking place in Doyles tomorrow dealing with World Energy GH2’s plans to erect wind turbines along the southwest coast. The rally gets underway 1 pm at the old Irving parking lot in the community. Lena Sampson is a co-organizer with Codroy Valley United, a small, recently formed group of 65 people concerned about the project which is called Nujio’qonik. She says they want to see enhanced transparency and public engagement in the environmental assessment process. Sampson says the company held one open house session last spring but no questions were permitted. World Energy GH2 held a public drop in session in Stephenville yesterday and Sampson says the group only heard about it a couple of days ago. She says anyone who has concerns about hydrogen development is welcomed to attend their rally tomorrow. Sampson says a lot of people in the community have been researching and found some shocking discoveries to share. She says there will be a lot of environmental impacts if the project goes ahead as is, like damage to water, effects on outfitters in the area, and generational consequences affecting the future. Sampson says the Codroy Valley area depends on tourism and is known for being very scenic with a lot of birds. She says tourists and outfitters won’t visit an area with a lot of wind turbines.


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