Her conclusion is “the Department of Health and Community Services is unable to ensure that public health care funds are distributed appropriately for services by providers.”
NL’s Auditor General has tabled a concerning audit on MCP and dental care plans. Denise Hanrahan tabled the document in the House of Assembly today. (march 19) her conclusion is “the Department of Health and Community Services is unable to ensure that public health care funds are distributed appropriately for services by providers.”
She says “Many of the same findings relating to audit and collections were noted in their last MCP report from 2014 - over 10 years ago. The audit found that MCP has been slow to develop strong control processes, including the prevention of double payments with WorkplaceNL. Hanrahan says Controls around manual adult dental reimbursement are still not entirely sufficient to prevent potential fraud, similar to the occurrence between 2015 and 2019.
IT system controls are not entirely reliable either; a third of the claims processing rules they looked at either served no purpose or did not work properly. Finally, the age and complexity of MCP’s systems contribute to inefficiencies.” The audit also contains 6 recommendations which the department of health and community services has accepted.