Denise Hanrahan says “Policies and procedures were not always kept up-to-date based on requirements and directions issued, and not all Members and Ministers expenditures complied with them.”
NL Auditor General Denise Hanrahan has delivered an audit report on Members and Ministers Expenditures. It deals specifically with compliance with legislation, policies, and procedures regarding payment disbursements in relation to their respective roles. Hanrahan says the audit found policies and procedures were updated reactively, rather than proactively but they did not find any fraud. “Policies and procedures were not always kept up-to-date based on requirements and directions issued, and not all Members and Ministers expenditures complied with them.”
Deficiencies in reporting and internal controls as well as misallocation of expenses between the House of Assembly and departments, were also found. Hanrahan says the recommendations identified opportunities where administrative and control processes can be improved to reduce future issues. Hanrahan says all recommendations should be fully implemented within three years. The full report can be found by visiting. www.ag.gov.nl.ca.