As of this month, a total of 29 recommendations from various performance reports have not been implemented and Hanrahan says eight of them are in relation to health care mostly with the home support system.
The province’s Auditor General delivered a report on outstanding recommendations to the House of Assembly on Monday. Denise Hanrahan says this report covers 2017-2021 her office expects recommendations are fully implemented within three years. She says about one third remain outstanding and two thirds are over five years old. “Recommendations are a critical part of our audits, and it is reasonable to expect that departments fully implement recommendations within three years of an audit being issued. However, this year’s monitoring indicates that one in three recommendations (thirty-seven per cent) from 2017 to 2021 remain outstanding. Even more alarming is that two out of three of those (sixty-two per cent) are over five years old.”
As of this month, a total of 29 recommendations from various performance reports have not been implemented and Hanrahan says eight of them are in relation to health care mostly with the home support system. There are many government departments and entities that have areas where improvements could be made, where services could be more efficient; and where savings can occur. The Office of the Auditor General undertakes performance audits that examine how well government and its entities manage resources and operations.