They are looking for technical and skilled trades roles, project management and operations, security, human resources, health and safety, equipment operators, all kinds of engineers and other roles.
The green light has not been given yet, but World Energy GH2 has advertised online for a long list of positions. It’s called Project Nujio’qonik (new-geo-ho-neek), which in Mi’kmaq means where the sand blows. Public comments on the company’s environmental impact statement was due last week and the Minister is expected to announce a decision whether the project can proceed as is or if changes are necessary. Meanwhile, anyone interested in being a part of this Green Energy Team can check out Venor, an online company accepting applications on behalf of World Energy GH2 for future roles. They are looking for technical and skilled trades roles, project management and operations, security, human resources, health and safety, equipment operators, all kinds of engineers and other roles.