These grants, up to $25,000, assist with costs of retrofitting a passenger vehicle to meet accessibility standards or assist with the purchase of a new vehicle, which can accommodate passengers with mobility devices, such as wheelchairs and scooters.
Anyone needing an Accessible Taxi Grant can now apply. This includes individuals, companies and agencies that are able to deliver accessible taxi services within the province. These grants, up to $25,000, assist with costs of retrofitting a passenger vehicle to meet accessibility standards or assist with the purchase of a new vehicle, which can accommodate passengers with mobility devices, such as wheelchairs and scooters. The accessible taxi service must give priority to persons with disabilities, but may provide taxi services to all customers. The deadline to apply is January 5th. To obtain a copy of the guidelines and application form, please visit the department’s website, email CSSDGrantPrograms@gov.nl.ca, call toll-free 1-888-729-6279