Executive Director Jeff Loder says “The iconic cod fishery was once a mainstay and has been the backbone of our province” and the whole province has waited 32 years for this day.
The Association of Seafood Producers is elated with yesterday’s news of a commercial cod fishery, one that has been under a moratorium since 1992. Executive Director Jeff Loder says “The iconic cod fishery was once a mainstay and has been the backbone of our province” and the whole province has waited 32 years for this day. DFO has set the Total Allowable Catch at 18,000 tonnes, which Loder says is less than they had hoped for but is a 38 percent increase. Meanwhile, Loder says the ASP is working in partnership with the Atlantic Groundfish Council (AGC) focused on Northern Cod to be able to market to more countries. Inshore fleets will get about 84 percent of the Total Allowable Catch and Canadian fleets will get 6 percent.