Bee ready for an event in Little Rapids starting today

    Friday, 4 August 2023 07:00

    By Tonya Organ

    The Pollen Nation Farm “ABC” 3-day festival kicks off today. It will include plenty of local musicians, honey, and food.

    There’s an event happening in Little Rapids this weekend that is bee-yond wonderful. The Pollen Nation Farm “ABC” 3-day festival kicks off today. It will include plenty of local musicians, honey, and food. Sherman Downey of the Once dropped into the BayFM station recently to talk about the buzz of bees. “The bees have a personality and when you’re around them there is a calmness,” he says. “It’s a peaceful; tone and if you are calm around them they'll be calm around you.” Downey says this province is one of only 2 places in the world where honey bees do not have mites.

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