Friends of Killdevil is a group that is growing every day collecting names of those with a special place in their heart for the over 60-year-old camp.
There’s no doubt if you’re from the west coast you have been, or know someone who has been, to Killdevil. Now, a social media group wants friends of Killdevil to get onboard. Less than 2 months ago, Bishop John Organ announced Killdevil would not be opening this year due to a potential $100,000 deficit needed to pay staff had it opened. Synod Executive decided to take a year to find a new and creative and self-sufficient way forward for Killdevil Camp. Now, the facebook group, Killdevil Camp and Conference centre, Friends and Alumni, has a new post. It basically says friends of Killdevil is a group that is growing every day collecting names of those with a special place in their heart for the over 60-year-old camp,. The post reads, “We would love to have Killdevil survive for many more years to come. Please comment with your name and hometown so these can be transferred to the document! Visit the "Killdevil Camp and Conference centre, Friends & Alumni" facebook page for more information.