Most camping parks are scheduled to open for the Victoria Day weekend, with some others opening in late May.
Booking a campsite through Parks NL will start this Wednesday, April 24th. Most camping parks are scheduled to open for the Victoria Day weekend, with some others opening in late May. There are 13 provincial camping parks. The registration system can be accessed by visiting www.nlcamping.ca. Campsites may also be reserved by calling toll-free 1-877-214-CAMP (2267).
To view the updated Rules and Regulations for reservations, including updates on the use of generators for those with medical needs, please visit www.parksnl.ca/files/Provincial-Park-Rules-and-Regs-2024.pdf.
To inquire about the 2024 camping season, please contact ParksNL at 709-637-2040 or info@ParksNL.ca.