Black bear activity has been reported in areas of Corner Brook, Pasadena and Hampden.
Conservation officers continue to monitor locations in Western Newfoundland where black bear sightings have been reported in recent days. Black bear activity has been reported in areas of Corner Brook, Pasadena and Hampden. Residents can expect to see the continued presence of conservation officers in these areas, as well as bear traps that may be set to capture and relocate bears should the animals remain in these areas. If you see a bear trap, please stay away from it. To avoid attracting bears to residential areas ensure garbage is stored and disposed of properly. Where bears have been sighted, pet owners should keep their animals inside or under close supervision. Wildlife officials encourage residents to remain vigilant and report black bear sightings to the Forestry and Wildlife District Office in Massey Drive at 709-637-2370 or the standby number at 709-632-9897.