A consultation process will launch this fall with parents/guardians and educators on proposed options for assessing high school students as the development process continues.
The end of public exams for high schools in the province is near. Government is looking for a new evaluation framework for high school students. A consultation process will launch this fall with parents/guardians and educators on proposed options for assessing high school students as the development process continues. They hope to have a new model of assessment for the 2025-26 school year. The Education department is proposing a new assessment approach for literacy and numeracy that is not attached to a particular subject or course, and measures a student’s skills in realistic situations. These assessments would take place in grade 10, with opportunities for assessment in grades 11 and 12. Modular course evaluation is also being considered for implementation as a part of standard assessments for students. These would be computer-based evaluations that could occur in select 3000-level courses, including English, mathematics and laboratory sciences. Modular evaluations would take place three times throughout the school year and unlike public exams, students would have the choice to retake modular exams to improve their grade.