Mayor Jim Parsons says there has been harvesting in the watershed area since the mill started in the 1920’s and the area is about 11,000 hectares with multiple uses allowed in that zone.
The City of Corner Brook has received an application to allow Corner Brook Pulp and Paper to harvest trees and construct a woods road within the watershed area in the Protected Water Supply Area Zone. It’s located in the Eastern Lake & Corner Brook Lake vicinity. Mayor Jim Parsons says there has been harvesting in the watershed area since the mill started in the 1920’s and the area is about 11,000 hectares with multiple uses allowed in that zone. Some social media comments say harvesting in the watershed should not be happening. Parsons says this use, as a forestry classification of use, is a “Discretionary Use” of the City of Corner Brook’s Development Regulations for this zone. He says the committee will advise the council with a recommendation after reviewing the request. Comments can be sent to planning @cornerbrook.com.