Areas with unaccounted-for water use will be focused on to complete a leak detection strategy with step testing and leak noise correlation.
The city of Corner Brook has awarded slightly more than $239K for the completion of a water audit and leak analysis. At Monday’s public council meeting, Deputy Mayor Linda Chaisson says this project is funded under the 2023-2026 Multi-Year Capital Works Program. Areas with unaccounted-for water use will be focused on to complete a leak detection strategy with step testing and leak noise correlation. The City of Corner Brook requested proposals to select a Prime Consultant for the project.
The city’s Manager of Engineering Services, Aaron O’Brien explains what step testing and leak noise correlation involves. It will start with an overall analysis of usage and shutting off different areas to assess pressure while noise abnormalities will be marked. O’Brien says the plan is to get the work started this spring and finish this fall.
Meanwhile, at the meeting Councillor Charles Pender asked about finding another market for chemicals used to treat water due to increasing costs and impending U.S Tariffs. The city’s director of finance, Sieven Maistry says they are looking into direct buying. CBCL was awarded the contract for the water analysis.