Corner Brook MHA Gerry Byrne says these charters can carry upwards of 15 patients needing same day health care and return the same day.
Get ready for Heart Force One. Immigration, Population, Growth and Skills Minister Gerry Byrne says getting access to cardiac care in St. John’s is time consuming. He says people are in beds at Western Memorial Regional Hospital waiting for a bed to open at the Health Sciences Centre. Byrne says Health Services NL will now be sending patients who do not need ambulatory care by air charters. Byrne says these charters can carry upwards of 15 patients needing same day health care. He says some hospital workers have dubbed it “Heart Force One,” and patients are back on the same day. Byrne says government is issuing a Request for Proposals soon to have this service offered more often and on a consistent basis throughout the year, which could also extend to other areas of care.