Patti Ricketts is the Cruise Marketing Coordinator at the port. She says the ship launched in 2021, and it can carry 245 passengers and 215 crew members.
It was an exciting day at the Port of Corner Brook yesterday as the first winter cruise ship chose the city as a destination. Le Commandant Charcot from the French cruise line Ponant arrived in port at 9 a.m and left later in the day at 4 p.m. Patti Ricketts is the Cruise Marketing Coordinator at the port. She says the ship launched in 2021, and it can carry 245 passengers and 215 crew members. Ricketts went onboard the vessel for a plaque exchange with the Captain and crew to signify their first visit to port. Ricketts says they had a chat with the Captain and crew, and had a tour that included a theatre, snow room, oasis of winter next to a sauna, and it is a beautiful ship. The Carnival Pride will kick off the 2025 cruise ship season with 23 ships due to stop in Corner Brook this year.