The IMSP will guide the City's sustainable development practices over the next decade, addressing critical environmental, social, and economic issues impacting the community, and providing a framework for informed, sustainable decision-making.
The City of Corner Brook is in the final stages of developing an Integrated Municipal Sustainability Plan (IMSP) and Development Regulations. At this week’s public meeting, Councillor Bill Griffin says these documents have been created through collaboration with City staff, Municipal Council, and input from the public and special interest groups. The IMSP will guide the City's sustainable development practices over the next decade, addressing critical environmental, social, and economic issues impacting the community, and providing a framework for informed, sustainable decision-making. The plan aims to enhance sustainability practices, build resilience, and improve the quality of life for both current and future generations.
Griffin says draft documents will be brought to the public for final review. The City’s planning consultant, Upland Planning and Design Studios, is finalizing the draft documents for the final public review before they proceed with the official adoption process through the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The public consultation is scheduled to take place the weeks of April 7th – 18th. For more information go to cornerbrook.com.