Corner Brook MHA Gerry Byrne says the government of 2016 took a decision not to include a PET scanner but the Furey government has put $2 million into a trust fund with the Western Regional Hospital Foundation.
Corner Brook MHA Gerry Byrne says not only will the new hospital be state of the art in design, they will also be expanding services. He says this includes a greater dialysis department and better diagnostic imaging with additional CAT scans and MRI’s. Byrne says the government of 2016 took a decision not to include a PET scanner but the Furey government has put $2 million into a trust fund with the Western Regional Hospital Foundation. Byrne says doctors can decide on what type of PET Scanner they want and order it. He says cardiology is also expanding and he’s pleased to announce there is greater capacity in cardiology with new cardiologists already practicing in the area, and hope to have a full caridology program at the new Western Memorial Regional Hospital.