Corner Brook man suffers dog bite and no apology from the owner

    Wednesday, 7 August 2024 12:00

    By Tonya Organ

    Photo from Keith Maynard

    Keith Maynard was walking down Central Street mid-afternoon on August 2nd.

    A Corner Brook man says his recent encounter with being bitten by a dog, won’t change the way he feels about them. Keith Maynard was walking down Central Street mid-afternoon on August 2nd. He says he walked by a man with two dogs on leashes and asked if the dogs were friendly. One of the dogs tried to grab his arm but got him in the back. Maynard says the other dog started to come at him so he got out of there as fast as he could. He says both dogs were mixed breeds and about 50-75 pounds and the owner didn’t apologize, saying there were no marks. Maynard made a complaint about the dog bite right away at city hall. He didn’t need to go to hospital since he had a recent tetanus shot. 


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