Director of Protective Services, Todd Flynn, says for now, nothing is being paid until the city formalizes an agreement with the NL West SPCA on how the money will be spent.
Staff at Corner Brook city hall are reviewing the Animal Control Program. At last night’s public meeting, Deputy Mayor Linda Chaisson says there is a need for a new program which includes the handling and housing of aggressive animals. Chaisson says they met with board members of the NL West SPCA and discussions are continuing. In the coming months, there will be revisions to animal control regulations and policies that will be presented to council for review and approvals. Upgrades are being made to the current City Impound to better shelter impounded animals, including impounded aggressive/dangerous animals. Meanwhile, Councillor Charles Pender asked the Director to clarify how the city helps the NL West SPCA. Director of Protective Services, Todd Flynn, says the city has been helping the SPCA since he started at city all in 2016 when they were set up on Connor’s Road and the city paid for heating, lighting, and maintenance. Then came the approval of the land on Lundrigan Drive. Flynn says for now, nothing is being paid until the city formalizes an agreement with the NL West SPCA on how the money will be spent. Last month, Animal Control Officers were called out to one dog bit complaint and 9 complaints of roaming dogs.