At Monday night’s public meeting, council approved slightly more than $47Kto Pomerlau for the supply cost of a new Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) unit.
Yet another change order at the new Corner Brook Regional Recreation Center. At Monday night’s public meeting, council approved slightly more than $47Kto Pomerlau for the supply cost of a new Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) unit. Councillor Charles Pender says the existing malfunctioning unit services the change rooms on Level 1 and needs to be replaced.
Under the initial contract it was planned to keep the existing HRV unit in place and the contractor was responsible for repairs of the unit if required during the course of construction. After many parts were replaced by the contractor, the unit stopped functioning altogether, therefore, replacement of the HRV unit is required.
Councillor Vaughn Granter asked if the condition of the unit was known before construction started. Aaron O’Brien is the city’s Manager of Engineering Services. He says there will be no cost to the city for replacement parts ordered in the past for the HRV unit. The installation cost of the unit will be covered in a separate change order. Previous change orders on the new $25M facility now total more than $2.6M.