There will be a whole day of activities for youth starting at 9:30 until 4pm and everyone is invited.
The weekend may be over, but us folk at BayFM are always looking at what’s happening next weekend. The 2nd annual Elmastukwek Mawio’mi will take place August 12th at the Blow me Down ski Trail in Corner Brook. Sherry Dean is Ward Councillor for Corner Brook with Qalipu First Nations, and is also the chairperson of the Elmastukwek Mawio’mi planning committee. She says there will be a whole day of activities for youth starting at 9:30 until 4pm and everyone is invited. Dean says the day will begin at 6 am with a sunrise ceremony followed by a breakfast.
Elmastukwek is the Mi’kmaq word for Bay of Islands and Corner Brook.