Councillor Charles Pender says with this data in hand, Stantec can determine how soon the earth in the area can be removed and they anticipate being able to propose recommendations and cleanup methods by early May.
It will be another two weeks at least before a clean up proposal can be submitted on the landslide on Riverside Drive. That incident happened on April 2nd and swept two people inside a vehicle into the Humber River. At last night’s public meeting, Councillor Charles Pender gave an update saying to further evaluate the situation, a Lidar scan is required. He says the city engaged Geotechnical services from Stantec. Stantec conducted a site inspection on April 16, 2024, to assess the extent of the damage and gather preliminary data. To further evaluate the situation, a Lidar scan is scheduled to be completed within the next two weeks. Pender says with this data in hand, Stantec can determine how soon the earth in the area can be removed and they anticipate being able to propose recommendations and cleanup methods by early May. Once this report is finalized, cleanup efforts can commence promptly thereafter. The city’s Manager of Engineering Services, Aaron O’Brien says officials are working to determine if they can get funding to help with the project. Mayor Jim Parsons thanked everyone for their patience as Riverside Drive will remain closed for some time. Riverside Drive has been closed since the landslide on April 2nd.