The event takes place on October 11 from 7:30pm to 9pm (NT) and will be broadcast on Zoom and Facebook.
With less than a week to go for public comment on a proposed wind energy project on the southwest coast, Enviro Watch NL is planning on hosting an online public forum on the plans and risks. The event takes place on October 11 from 7:30pm to 9pm (NT) and will be broadcast on Zoom and Facebook. Enviro Watch NL co-chair, Tara Manuel, co-chair of Enviro Watch NL, says “There are so many unanswered questions about the plans being promoted by the province and we’re rushing ahead without the due diligence we so badly need.” More than 300 wind turbines are planned for the Port au Port Peninsula and Codroy Valley; a plan Manuel says is opposed by most of the residents who have had only a few short weeks to review and respond to a 4,000-page Environmental Impact Statement. She says, “Sadly, we seem not to have learned from our previous mega-project mistakes and we have another one in the making.” Forum panelists will include a West Winds First Nation member, a political scientist, and an environmentalist.