Enviro Watch NL is especially concerned about the scale of the province’s wind-hydrogen-ammonia plans and the impacts on wilderness protection and rural communities.
A newly formed province-wide citizens group wants government to slow down the wind energy approval process. There are 19 wind energy projects waiting for approval. Enviro Watch NL is especially concerned about the scale of the province’s wind-hydrogen-ammonia plans and the impacts on wilderness protection and rural communities. Spokesperson Tara Manuel says these proposals will use a lot of land. Manuel says this province has the second worst record in the country for wilderness protection – less than 7 percent – far behind the 30 percent that Canada has set as its goal for 2030. She says these projects also use a massive amount of water. Manuel says fresh water will soon become one of the most valuable resources on earth. She says protection needs to be put in place and we have to be very careful before moving ahead with these projects.
email envirowatchnl@gmail.com or call 709-746-3700.