They are concerned about the lack of information on key items, like water usage and water monitoring.
EnvirowatchNL says the Environment Minister’s info request regarding wind energy plan avoids the hard questions. The group is pleased that Bernard Davis has requested more information from World Energy GH2 on the Nujio’qonik project – the largest wind/hydrogen/ammonia energy project of its kind ever attempted in North America. However, they are concerned that the Minister’s request seems like a formality only – a matter of crossing the “Ts and dotting the Is.” Co-Chair Glen Wheeler says they are concerned about the lack of information on key items, like water usage and water monitoring.
“There wasn’t information on the cumulative effects, or emergency and contingency plans, which is the heart of any environmental assessment,” he says. “There are still more fundamental issues related to this project.”
Wheeler says the 328 wind turbines planned for the Port au Port and Codroy Valley areas will not be a “green” energy project. He says one thing that isn’t mentioned is the amount of power this project will draw from the provincial grid.
“NL Hydro just announced the possibility of bringing in diesel generators to help boost power on the grid,” he says. “Diesel powered energy is not adding to the green agenda because when there is no wind, they still need power to produce hydrogen.”
Wheeler says what little benefit that comes from this project will go to Germany, while the people of this province are saddled with another ill-conceived mega-project.