Organizer Flat Bay Chief Joanne Miles says about 70 women attended from all over the island.
The first Indigenous Women in Leadership Conference hosted by the Assembly of First Nations was held last weekend in Deer Lake. Organizer Flat Bay Chief Joanne Miles says about 70 women attended from all over the island. Chief Miles says they reached out to indigenous woman throughout NL and have set a number of goals. She says indigenous women in NL face a range of different barriers which are historically rooted in ongoing colonialism. Miles says since the conference, she’s receiving emails from women who have become empowered by the women at the event with so many female chiefs. Miles says it was a lot of work to put off the event and people need to feel empowered to embrace their strengths to pass the barriers. The Chief is off to Cape Breton next week for a meeting on a special project that will be powerful for women across the country.