Government started an application process for outside buyers today, starting with the soon-to-be-opened snow crab fishery. Processing capacity will increase prior to the start of the 2024 snow crab fishing season.
Fisheries Minister Elvis Loveless is highlighting progress on fisheries issues raised by the FFAW and harvesters in the past week. Loveless wrote to the FFAW on March 14th to get clarification of the union’s position regarding outside buyers. In a letter on March 15th, the FFAW indicated their support for allowing outside buyers on all species, requesting that processing capacity be raised by lifting the caps on processing licences, issuing new processing licences, and a comprehensive review of structural issues associated with the fishery. The Minister responded to the FFAW today. Meanwhile, Government started an application process for outside buyers today, starting with the soon-to-be-opened snow crab fishery. Processing capacity will increase prior to the start of the 2024 snow crab fishing season. This to be determined by the final Total Allowable Catch (TAC), once announced by the federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. A review of the fishery will also include the FFAW. There are 17,000 seafood workers and 400 communities that rely on the fishery for their livelihood.