Councillor Vaughn Granter says “the FoodCycler™ is an electric appliance that offers in-home, countertop composting of food waste.”
Choosing greener alternatives is something every community thinks about. At Corner Brook council’s public meeting this week, a couple of new, greener, initiatives were discussed. A design is underway to change the City Hall Atrium Lighting as a means to show support for various causes, for example orange lighting on National Orange Shirt day. Council also discussed the Food Cycler Program. Councillor Vaughn Granter says “the FoodCycler™ is an electric appliance that offers in-home, countertop composting of food waste.” Council is finalizing the foodcycler project with the company to begin the 100 household compost program in the following weeks. Meanwhile, a 23 questions survey was available to Corner Brook residents in order to gauge attitudes surrounding sustainability and urban forests in Corner Brook. The survey will determine what benefits residents believe will come with living in a green city and assess what economic, environmental, and social benefits exist.