These increases will be implemented over the course of six weeks so that the impact on maximum prices will be no greater than 1.0 cents per litre per week.
Gas, diesel and furnace oil will be going up starting February 6th, as a result of the Petroleum Products Pricing Review. The Public Utilities Board (PUB) tabled its review with government yesterday and it comes with some changes. Zone differentials for gasoline, diesel and furnace oil will increase by 2.0 cents per litre or less to reflect higher costs of supply. Retail mark-ups for gasoline, diesel and furnace oil will increase by 4.0 cpl in most zones to reflect higher costs of supply, while wholesale markups will remain the same These increases will be implemented over the course of six weeks so that the impact on maximum prices will be no greater than 1.0 cents per litre per week. Maximum price adjustments will now happen on Friday rather than Thursday to bring consistency with other Atlantic provinces.