There are almost 8,300 child care spaces operating at $10-a-day, 189 pre-kindergarten sites are now open, and 17 more will open this fall
The Department of Education will launch a child care demand portal this fall for parents and caregivers. The portal will provide the department with a comprehensive understanding of the demand for child care in all areas of the province. Minister Krista Lynn Howell gave an update this morning on how the $347 million is being spent on early learning and child care training, staffing and space creation. There are almost 8,300 child care spaces operating at $10-a-day, 189 pre-kindergarten sites are now open, and 17 more will open this fall. There are also 63 child care providers in various stages to open a not-for-profit child care centre in Newfoundland and Labrador, including 24 sites in the Western-Labrador region. This year, over 100 early childhood educators have joined or rejoined the workforce. There are approximately 1,200 early childhood educators working in Newfoundland and Labrador.