Once fully implemented, any student who lives within 1.6 kilometres of a school that has bus services will be able to avail of school bus transportation.
Government has announced the phasing out of the 1.6 kilometre rule to access school bus services in the K-12 school system starting in the upcoming school year. This change will be phased in beginning in September in areas where current existing school bus capacity permits, and will be in place for all areas for the 2024-2025 school year. As a result of these changes, over 4,000 students that were not previously eligible, will be able to access school bus transportation for the upcoming school year. Once fully implemented, any student who lives within 1.6 kilometres of a school that has bus services will be able to avail of school bus transportation. The Provincial Government will continue to support a learning environment that removes barriers and focuses directly on students. This includes full integration of the English School District into government by December 31st.