Government has provided an update on actions it has taken to date to address the cybersecurity incident in the PowerSchool platform. The incident is not specific to Newfoundland and Labrador. PowerSchool notified customers in multiple jurisdictions in North America. Data relating to approximately 14,400 teachers was accessed by the unauthorized party. The oldest teacher records involved were from 2010. About 70 per cent of the teacher information involved includes some combination of name, email address, and phone number. A small number of Medical Care Plan (MCP) numbers and 749 Social Insurance Numbers (SIN) of teachers were included in the data that was accessed. As well, data relating to approximately 271,000 students was accessed by the unauthorized party. The oldest student records involved were high school students’ information from 1995. Approximately 75 per cent of the students whose data was accessed are no longer in the K-12 system. In addition to the individual’s name, information accessed may include contact information, date of birth, MCP numbers, medical alert information, custodial alert information, and other related information. Updated information will be provided as it becomes available.