There are about 70 registered co-operatives in Newfoundland and Labrador employing more than 1,000 people supported by some 100,000 people who are member-owners.
This is Co-op week, a time to reflect on the positive impact that co-operatives have on the lives of Canadians and to celebrate their role in building stronger communities. Co-operatives play a vital role in creating jobs and supporting local economies in communities. There are about 70 registered co-operatives in Newfoundland and Labrador employing more than 1,000 people supported by some 100,000 people who are member-owners. Co-operatives are helping to improve, sustain and stimulate the social and economic conditions in communities throughout this province, providing opportunities in areas such as housing, child care and financial services. Government’s contribution to the NLFC Co-operative Incubator Pilot Program for co-op startups led to three co-ops successfully graduating and becoming provincially incorporated.