Budget 2024 includes funding for a targeted Basic Income Pilot for eligible people aged 60-64, as well as a comprehensive Seniors’ Well-Being Plan.
The Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development read a statement in the House of Assembly yesterday to highlight that June is National Seniors’ Month. Paul Pike says seniors have laid the foundations of our diverse and welcoming province and their leadership and wisdom continue to strengthen and enrich our communities. He says government remains committed to fostering age-friendly communities and supporting the health and well-being of older adults and seniors. Budget 2024 includes funding for a targeted Basic Income Pilot for eligible people aged 60-64, as well as a comprehensive Seniors’ Well-Being Plan. This plan will help to further improve access to supports and services for seniors to age well with dignity in the right place. Pike says these initiatives are in addition to the many programs already in place to support healthy aging including the Seniors’ Social Inclusion Initiative, the Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program, the Community Transportation Program, the Seniors’ Benefit and the Income Supplement. Each year, the Seniors of Distinction Awards program acknowledges the remarkable contributions of seniors across Newfoundland and Labrador.