Four simple letters can save a life, F-face is it drooping, A-arms, can you raise both, S-speech and is it slurred, T means time to call 9-1-1.
June is Stroke Month and the Heart and Stroke Foundation are looking to spread the word about their F.A.S.T. campaign which helps people to recognize the signs of a stroke. Donovan Talbot is the Senior Advisor of Public Affairs with the foundation. He explains how four simple letters can save a life, F-face is it drooping, A-arms, can you raise both, S-speech and is it slurred, T means time to call 9-1-1. Talbot says strokes remain as the leading cause of disability and there are about 2,000 strokes in Nl every year. He says there are 12,000 NL people over the age of 20 living with strokes. Talbot says strokes can affect any age or group of people