The Burdens trying to get back together.
It’s a heartbreaking story but one we hear of quite often in this province. Fred and Ethel Burden of St.Lunaire-Griquet have been married for 59 years. Ethel has been suffering from dementia and was placed into a St.Anthony care home a couple of months ago. Daphne Blake says her father, Fred, is having health issues also and her parents should be together. Blake says her dad doesn’t qualify to be in the home care facility because he doesn't meet certain criteria. She says since they posted this on social media, her dad’s name has been listed at the John M.Gray Centre as a spouse and he qualifies for 21 hours of home care a week. Meanwhile, a spokesperson at MHA Krista Lynn Howell’s office told BOIR News they have been actively working on this situation with the family for the past month and continue to do so.