Coordinator Chelsea Foley says CALM is a national, hands-on program that encourages children to learn about and celebrate agriculture.
Students throughout this province are taking part in annual Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month (CALM) for the entire month of March. Events are hosted by Agriculture in the Classroom NL (AITC-NL). Coordinator Chelsea Foley says CALM is a national, hands-on program that encourages children to learn about and celebrate agriculture. She says they cover a variety of topics related to agriculture in NL. AITC-NL is also partnering with the Newfoundland and Labrador Beekeeping Association and Egg Farmers of Newfoundland and Labrador to host the “Bee Creative Literacy Contest” for Kindergarten to Grade 6 students. Classes can submit up to three of their top literary work and the winning classes get to decorate a beehive any way they choose. The beehive will be returned to the participating beekeeper’s farm to be taken care of in the name of the school/class. All entries must be submitted by April 1st with winners announced Monday, April 8th.
Details about CALM events are available at: www.aitcnl.ca or on social media: Facebook: Agriculture in the Classroom NL; Twitter and Instagram: @aitcnl