The Million for Children March facebook page says “Parents have had enough of gender ideology and the overt sexualized materials in Canadian K-12 schools.”
In Corner Brook and across Canada tomorrow there will be a “Million for Children March” to peacefully protest against the push for LGBT ideology in schools. Groups will gather at city hall between 8:30 and 9a.m. The Million for Children March facebook page says “Parents have had enough of gender ideology and the overt sexualized materials in Canadian K-12 schools.” The group’s founder has a video on their Facebook Page. Kamel El-Cheikh issues a warning to teachers, unions, Trans and Pride Communities. He adds they also have lawyers in case of counter protests. Meanwhile, the Corner Brook Pride group have announced on their facebook page that they will be there also on Wednesday for a counter protest. Josh Connors says about 60 members of the Pride community will be there. He says there has been a flood of support and they hope to have meaningful conversations. Cst James Cadigan of the RNC says police are looking to talk to organizers. City officials will continue to monitor, as will the police. They don’t anticipate any safety concerns.