Public has more of a say now to express issues with pricing
Government wants to make changes to the Electrical Power Control Act and the Public Utilities Act that, if passed, will increase transparency and strengthen the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (PUB). Amendments would require a utility to ensure that power is being provided in an environmentally responsible manner, and in addition to least cost, reliable service. Also, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may direct the PUB to hold an in-person hearing with respect to any matter, including budget applications. Amendments are intended to balance appointment terms and the PUB’s operational requirements. The changes would ensure that knowledge and experience are kept within the Board. Industry, Energy and Technology Minister Andrew Parsons, says “ Given our commitment to net zero, these amendments will provide the Public Utilities Board with the ability to consider environmentally responsible decisions.” He says “the authority to direct the PUB as to whether a hearing is required was raised by the Consumer Advocate and is an important change to the Act.” Following changes last year to the Petroleum Products Act the PUB was required to make more information available to the public and hold hearings for public input on gas pricing. That review is ongoing.