On May 26th, in 50 communities across the country the MS Walk will bring people together with the goal of raising over $4 million.
More than 90,000 Canadians are living with Multiple Sclerosis and everyday, 12 more Canadians are diagnosed. On May 26th, in 50 communities across the country the MS Walk will bring people together with the goal of raising over $4 million. Nicole McCarthy and Melissa Brake are MS ambassadors and dropped into the Bayfm station for a chat with Lenny Benoit. Brake says an ambassador is a volunteer with MS Canada and they are the only two in the province. McCarthy says the Corner Brook walk will take place May 26th starting at Bennett Hall on West Street. She says it will take place between 1 and 4 pm and more information can be found online under mswalk2024 or the facebook page, “MS walk corner brook.” to find out how to sign up. This will be the first in person walk in over 5 years.