Discussions will take place over the next couple of weeks with the Redfish Advisory Committee to determine quota allocations for each fleet.
Provincial Fisheries Minister Elvis Loveless, is calling on the federal government to ensure Newfoundland and Labrador receives its fair share of the newly announced Unit 1 redfish quota allocations. On January 26th, DFO announced plans to reopen that fishery for a two year transitional period. The total allowable catch is 25,000 tonnes. Discussions will take place over the next couple of weeks with the Redfish Advisory Committee to determine quota allocations for each fleet. While DFO has allocated 10 percent of the redfish quota to shrimp harvesters to help offset impacts of the quota reduction, government is calling for those affected to receive a greater share of the redfish quota given the extent of the cut. Meanwhile, Northern Shrimp quotas are also being cut. The quota for Shrimp Fishing Area 8, located adjacent to the province’s west coast, has been reduced from 4,222 tonnes in 2023 to just 1,757 tonnes for 2024.