Vice President of Engineering. Robert Collett, says study outcomes have shown that people are very concerned about cost, but something has to be built to meet the needs at a minimum investment approach.
Muskrat Falls opened in 2020 as a means to replace NL Hydro’s generating station in Holyrood. However, NL Hydro President and CEO Jennifer Williams says our needs as a province have changed and grown since Muskrat Falls was first envisioned. The Holyrood Station opened in 1970. Yesterday, NL Hydro announced details of the 2024 Resource Adequacy Plan which has been filed with the Public Utilities Board. Vice President of Engineering. Robert Collett, says within the 79 page report, there are three solutions for our power needs. This includes a 150MW, 8th unit in Bay’D’espoir, 150MW combustion turbines on the Avalon, and Wind Energy. Collett says study outcomes have shown that people are very concerned about cost, but something has to be built to meet the needs at a minimum investment approach. He says they’ll have a number by fall. NL Hydro’s plan is for the next ten years.