Premier Andrew Furey says it’s important to focus on helping children reach their full potential but he says they can’t do that on an empty stomach.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was on the west coast yesterday to announce this province is the first to sign on for the new National School Food Program. In Budget 2024, the feds announced $9.1 million will be spent over the next three years to help more kids get access to school food. Participating families with two kids will save an estimated $800 a year, on average. In Rocky Harbour yesterday, Trudeau says the economy is doing well at a macro level but Canadians are still facing real pressures in daily lives with the cost of living. This program ensures kids don’t go hungry and they have access to healthy food in schools. The announcement means 4,100 more kids will get healthy meals this school year. Premier Andrew Furey says it’s important to focus on helping children reach their full potential but he says they can’t do that on an empty stomach. In NL, over 60,000 children avail of the School Breakfast Program and now, 30,000 will avail of the school lunch program.