. The theme for this year is “The Cost of Farming.”
NL Young Farmers is hosting its 11th annual Leadership Summit over the next couple of days at the Deer Lake Motel. This annual event is an excellent opportunity for young farmers to meet and network with like-minded people, government representatives, guest presenters and other agricultural stakeholders. The theme for this year is “The Cost of Farming.” Mark Hoffe is an outreach coordinator with NL Young Farmers. He says there are many aspects to the cost of farming, such as business planning, start-up costs, land acquisition, private or crown, funding and more. About 65 delegates, including young farmers, government representatives and other industry stakeholders are expected to attend. Coordinator Lisa Davis says the event will include a variety of workshops and presentations covering a variety of topics. A panel of young farmers representing Atlantic Canada will engage their peers on the Challenges of Farming and Lessons Learned. There are 140 members within NL Young Farmers from ages 18-40.